How CM Punk reportedly reacted behind the scenes to MJF’s promos about him

During his audio podcast on, Wade Keller discussed the CM Punk and MJF promo exchanges on AEW television…

“It seems like Punk has been totally cool with everything. Like showing no signs that MJF went too far. And that MJF and Punk seem to get along well behind the scenes when people see them together planning their segments. So it doesn’t seem like there’s any tension at all.”

“I’ve heard of multiple occasions of wrestlers saying they’ve come up to Punk with a question and he’s been super receptive. Like, ‘I got all the time in the world for you type approach. Not ‘Oh, I’m busy with my own stuff…’ The body language with Punk for people who have approached him is he’s been super cool. In fact, one younger wrestler on the roster told me ‘yeah, he’s been super chill and receptive since he’s got here. He’s a good dude.’ So all reviews on Punk are good. And all indications are he’s totally fine with MJF coming at him hard. He’s at a secure place in his life and he’s not sweating it even if MJF scores a few extra points more than Punk or if Punk is saying, ‘Hey Punk that’s the best you had last week just ripping on a local hockey team over and over?’ MJF’s gloves are off. He’s not holding back…”

“I think MJF said in a promo, ‘nobody wanted you here’ once in that’s just not the case, as best I can tell. That’s not to say that I by any means talk to everybody.” (quotes courtesy of

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