Bobby Fish comments on his upcoming debut with AEW

As previously noted, former WWE star Bobby Fish will be Sammy Guevara’s first challenger for the TNT Title on next week’s Dynamite.

During an appearance on Busted Open Radio, Fish commented on the match…

“I’m at home watching AEW, just like everybody else, and I see this thing go down and I’m thinking, ‘Fortune favors the bold.’ That title and this mustache would look pretty fantastic together. I can either sit on my hands and do nothing or I can put my name in the ring, so to speak, and see what happens. That’s what I did. I feel like I was ready in my career for a ‘fresh coat of paint,’ so to speak and here we are. It wasn’t orchestrated and I didn’t seek it out. Things feel into place and it happened. I have this new lease on my wrestling life and I can’t wait to go at this thing guns blazing.” (quote courtesy of

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